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UTS Broadway, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
DCM Melbourne
Work Stages: SD + DD         |  Sep 2009 - Mar 2010
GIA: 23,500m2    |  Contract Value: AUD$170 million

  • 14 levels, plus 4 below ground, to accommodate state-of-the-art lecture rooms, academic offices, seminar rooms, teaching and research laboratories, student union, food & recreational areas, with bicycle & carparking.  Arranging educational spaces around a central atrium / crevasse creating a variety of innovative pedagogy and collaborative working environments.

  • Involvement from inception of design, developing design and space planning to meet the brief requirements of an academic space.

  • Designing informal, flexible learning spaces moving away from the traditional.

  • Developing sustainable design through elements such as a raised floor system, facade treatment, natural cross ventilation through operable windows, large atrium to naturally light internal spaces and integration of photovoltaics.

  • Construction of physical model to analyse context, structural requirements, facade plate angles, atrium extent & quality of internal spaces.

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Work and images owned by Denton Corker Marshall LLP

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